
“CCASN is an organization of exceptional professionals who bring together powerful experience in the field combined with scholarship and a deep commitment to equity to transform systems.”

– Jen D. Bevington, Co-Director Redwood Coast K16 Collaborative


“In routinely tapping the expertise of others, CCASN has modeled a collaborative spirit of ‘all hands on deck’ to work on behalf of students and the adults who serve them.”

– Hillary Walker, Director, Bay Area Writing Project


“CCASN has always been committed to centering students furthest from opportunity and taking on the most persistent issues related to institutional racism in educational contexts.”

– Dr. Robert Curtis, Napa COE

Transforming Education in California

Our Mission

The College & Career Alliance Support Network (CCASN) partners with our collaborative network including system leaders, educators, organizational partners, and diverse learning communities to influence and impact California’s public education system. CCASN is committed to bold strategies that aim to institutionalize racial equity in California’s public education system.

Our Vision

CCASN strives to build an equitable education system that prepares all students for college, careers, and communal-civic life; supporting seamless intersegmental transitions and elevating optimal postsecondary opportunities and pathways for all.

  • We center students furthest from opportunity in our work, including Black, LatinX, Asian American and Pacific Islander students, as well as English Learners.
  • We build partnerships for mutual learning utilizing design-based research, action research, data and improvement science methodologies to assess, diagnosis, analyze, and deploy strategies that enhance equity in instructional, structural and systemic practices.
  • We are proud to serve as a trusted partner focused on serving the field and influencing impactful policy, advocacy and practice.

Coming Attractions!

UC Berkeley’s CCASN Presents:
The Courageous Leadership Series
Learning opportunities for leaders committed to dismantling systemic educational inequities

Watch the Webinar!
Insights & Implications:
Californians on
Race & Education

CALSPEAKS survey findings

Our Teaching, Leading and Learning Stance

CCASN has extensive experience partnering with system leaders, educators, schools, districts and institutional and organizational partners to build capacity and support the use of evidence-based research to implement equitable and effective approaches. We seek to inform state policy, advance institutional equity initiatives, and provide guidance that influences and impacts California’s public education systems. We are an emergent learning organization that continues to build and learn with our network of partners.

CCASN’s New Home

The College & Career Alliance Support Network (still CCASN) is now located at The Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley. CCASN is excited to bring our myriad partnerships and resources to The Lawrence, which has long been a true partner in many areas of our work. We are learning and growing with dear colleagues, building upon our common commitment to transform historic and systemic educational inequities.

We are so fortunate that CCASN joined The Lawrence Hall of Science. CCASN was ready to be part of an organization that has both a mission and deep history related to equity in K-12 education and learning AND a robust administrative infrastructure for direct engagement with districts, schools, educators and communities.
Dr. Rena Dorph

Director of The Lawrence Hall of Science

CCASN in Action


CCASN provides a wealth of practical tools for educators. Check out the four essential guides recently updated for CCASN by California Partnership Academy (CPA) Lighthouse Academy leaders: 

Self-Assessment Guide for College and Career Academies

Internship Handbook for College and Career Academies

Mentor Handbook for College and Career Academies

Partnership Guide for College and Career Academies

All Resource Guides

Scales of Justice


Read the executive summary of our report, “Advancing Equity at Scale-Up: Research Priorities for College and Career Pathways,” synthesizing lessons from four symposia connecting College and Career Pathway researchers with practitioners to stimulate collaboration, build capacity, and prioritize equity issues.

All Publications


CCASN and the Linked Learning Alliance (LLA) collaborated to present Green Linked Learning to a seminar of the Japanese Society for the Study of Career Guidance, drawing lessons learned in the American context applicable to Japanese education leaders.

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