Master Schedule Guide
Master Schedule Guide Stage 5 – Assessment

Fine-tuning, Readjustment, & Assessment.
Stage 5 involves the fine-tuning and readjustments that occur over the summer months and during the first new months of the new school year.
Stage 5 involves both internal and external assessment of the master schedule. Essentially, the master schedule team involves stakeholders in reviewing the master schedule process and product, including analyzing what worked and what needs improvement. Assessment findings are incorporated into future master schedule planning and design.
In addition, Stage 5 involves re-entering the Master Schedule Cycle and the master schedule development process beginning anew.
Months 10-15
Typically, May – September/October (includes summer and the first months of the new academic year)
NOTE: In Stage 5, the scheduling team updates some of the very same tasks completed as part of stage 4. The master schedule and the student and teacher schedules that were analyzed and adjusted in Stage 4 are now fine-tuned and readjusted to account for new admissions, summer school credits/grades, course changes related to grade reversals, changes in staffing or facilities, etc.
During the last month of the “old” academic school year, during the summer prior to the start of new academic school year, and during the first month of the new academic school year, the Master Schedule team is fine-tuning and readjusting to perfect the master schedule.
Fine-tunings and readjustments include (among others):
- Adjustments for new admits/transfer students
- Adjustments for students who withdrew/transferred or were otherwise discharged to another site/district over the summer
- Adjustments for student grade “reversals.” (i.e., a student who was passing Spanish II, ended up failing the second semester of the course and needs to be rescheduled)
- Adjustments for student credits earned /courses successfully completed and/or made up over the summer
- Adjustments for changes in teaching personnel
- Adjustments for changes in FTE Allotment
The Master Schedule Team, with guidance from administration and in collaboration with counselors, will also:
- Ensure that counselors, pathway leads, or other adult advocates have checked each and every student’s schedule for any possible errors, omissions, alignment with pathway program of study, (in California) progress toward completion of a-g curriculum or (everywhere) progress toward completion of a program of study that enables college and career readiness
- Ensure that a System is in place for registering and scheduling newly arrived students: Review, refine, and/or set up a formal process for registering new admits and deleting students who are transferring to other schools or other districts (includes review and updating of any related forms or procedures)
- Work with counselors and other student advocates to schedule and orientate new students who register over the summer or at the beginning of the new school year; assure access to pathway programs of study and elective courses
- Ensure a System is in place for adjusting student schedules where needed: Assure a formalized (and transparent) policy and process is in place to address any student requests for either a change in the pathway program of study OR student request for a class change. (Includes written policy with guidelines, deadlines, any required justification or signatures, etc.) (Includes review and updating of any related forms)
- Assign Homerooms and/or Advisories (as appropriate)
- Work with administration, counselors, pathway leads, and other adult advocates and student ambassadors to help to coordinate or support any induction activities for new or returning students, such as a Summer Bridge or “Boot Camp” for entering freshmen (especially If these involve printing and distribution of updated student schedules)
- Coordinate, with counselors and other student advocates, the printing and distribution of updated/revised student schedules (NOTE: These may be mailed or distributed as part of orientation activities.
The Master Schedule Team, with guidance from administration and in collaboration with counselors, will:
- Provide final class schedules (that include any adjustments based on summer school credits) to all students and teachers one to two weeks prior to beginning of fall semester
- Coordinate the printing and distribution (or electronic distribution) of teacher schedules that reflect any changes made over the summer and/or early in the school year (i.e., changes in student enrollment result in changes in FTE allotment and faculty additions or reductions; new construction expands availability of classrooms, etc.)
- Coordinate printing and distribution of class rosters
The Master Schedule Team will rerun and reutilize several of the Post Building Schedule Reports from the Student Information System Schedule Builder to check on all aspects of the schedule. For example, the master scheduling team might utilize (among others): the Teacher Conflict Report, Teacher Maximum Load Report, Under-scheduled Students Report, the Room Conflict Report, and the Room Utilization report.
The principal (or vice-principal) regularly updates District Director of Scheduling or District Master Schedule Support Team and/or Associate Superintendent re status of master schedule and readiness to open school.
Authentic Performance Assessment: Anticipate and prepare for your Master Schedule Team’s “really big” performance assessment: The first day of classes when no student needs or requests a class change and everyone is busy learning and teaching.
- Adjustments are made as needed during the first few weeks of fall semester
- Students who were registered and don’t appear are dropped from the schedule
- Students new to the school are provided with information to make an informed choice of their pathway/not previously registered are added to the schedule
- Pathways/Academies/SLCs and sections are adjusted as needed to maintain balance
- If you are in a school that has an influx of new students at the start of the school year, it is important to review enrollment almost daily during the first few weeks of school.
- An administrator and/or a member of the Master Schedule Team should check with coordinators, leads or chairs for Special Education, English Language Learners, pathways, and other special programs to assure that students are properly placed.
- An administrator and/or a member of the master schedule team should meet with counselors, with pathway/academy leads, and with department chairs to discuss the potential impacts of class size balancing and to collaboratively problem solve to meet the needs of students.
- If a major adjustment to the master schedule will be needed, open communication is essential. All involved, including students, teachers and parents, need to know the reasons for the changes and care must be taken to preserve pathway/academy student cohorts.
EXAMINING THE RESULTS Several weeks after the start of the new school year, the Master Schedule Team should meet to evaluate the success of the process and product. Ideally, this evaluation should include both an internal assessment and an external assessment.
Internal Assessment:
- Administrators, team, counselors, and pathway/academy/SLC leads and department chairs to review master scheduling process and analyze what worked and what needs improvement
- Team also works with stakeholders to analyze the resulting product – the master schedule itself. What are the strengths of the master schedule? What are the weaknesses?
- Team works with stakeholders to identify causes for any perceived weaknesses.
- Team captures ideas and suggestions in the Master Scheduling Notebook and makes adjustments to Master Schedule action plan and timeline as needed.NOTE: Often the internal assessment occurs twice. Once at the end of the school year or during the summer (pre-implementation of the new schedule) AND once in the early months of the new academic year (during early implementation of the new schedule.)
External Assessment
Team surveys students, faculty, counselors, and parents to determine what worked well and what needs to be improved:
- To what extent were students successfully scheduled into pathways/academies/ SLCs?
- To what extent do pathway/academy/SLC teachers share common planning time?
- What percent of students avoided major conflicts?
- How satisfied were stakeholders with the process and results?
Using internal and external input, Team analyzes strengths of and areas of improvement for the process, product, and results and recommends needed changes to the master schedule process, action plan, and timeline. Team prepares Master Schedule Report and shares this with Principal, Faculty, the District Master Schedule Support Team, and other stakeholders.
Relax, celebrate, and enjoy your success, but just for a moment, because the best Master Schedule Teams are already beginning the process of planning for next year’s schedule.
Re-entering the Cycle:
- Administration and/or Master Schedule Coordinator reforms the Master Schedule Team, making changes as needed
- Team reviews underlying principles and recommits to or reformulates them
- Team incorporates analyses of previous year’s master scheduling process, product, and results and maps out tasks for the year
- Master schedule planning and development process begins anew
Sections within Tools and Strategies
Internal Assessment of a Master Schedule
External Assessment of a Master Schedule
Evaluation in the Master Scheduling Context
Internal Assessment of a Master Schedule
Each year the Master Schedule Team needs to conduct an internal assessment of both the Master Schedule process and final product – the Master Schedule itself.
Basically, any internal assessment should answer the following questions:
- Does the resulting master schedule accurately reflect what your school believes about the importance of students, learning, achievement, and equity?
- To what extent was each student successfully scheduled into the classes he/she requested and/or needed? (including special education students, English Language Learners, and other student populations?)
- To what extent does every senior have each and every class he/she needs to graduate and to attain college and career readiness?
- To what extent were student-and-learning-centered, fair and justifiable master scheduling requests from pathways/academies/SLCs and/or departments and individual teachers able to be honored?
- To what extent does the master schedule support expanded learning time for both students and teachers?
- To what extent does each pathway/academy/SLC reflect the diversity of the school as a whole?
- To what extent are classes within each pathway/academy/SLC “pure” (made up of students from that particular academy/pathway)? Heterogeneous (reflecting a range of perceived ability levels)? And inclusive of special education, English Language Learners, students identified as gifted-and-talented, and other student sub-groups?
- To what extent are classes within each pathway/academy/SLC “blocked” or offered as “linked” classes in order to allow each pathway/academy longer blocks of instructional time for both deeper learning and flexible use of time?
- To what extent do teachers in the pathway/academy/SLC community of practice share a common planning period? OR for large pathways/academies/SLCs/SLCs or small schools comprised of one or two pathways, to what extent do pathway/ academy/SLC teachers who share students in common (grade level cohorts, etc.) share a common planning period?)
- To what extent do all stakeholders view the resulting master schedule fair and balanced? View the master schedule process as having been open and inclusive?
- Does the master schedule support rigor, relevance, and relationships/ personalization for all students?
- Do all students have access to advanced courses and/or dual enrollment opportunities?
- To what extent does the master schedule support work-based learning opportunities for all students? Every pathway/academy?
- (If appropriate) Does the master schedule successfully accommodate time for Student Advisories/Advocacies?
- (Other questions as appropriate to your school/community context)
There are also quantitative data to gather and analyze as part of the assessment:
- What percent of pathway/academy/SLC (and all other) students were successfully scheduled and were free from any major schedule conflicts?
- After constructing the master schedule and loading students and courses into the master schedule, what were the summary results of your first computer run? What percent of students were fully scheduled into the correct classes? (Analyze percentage by grade level, by each particular pathway/academy/SLC, and by whole school.)
- If adjustments were needed, what were the results of subsequent computer runs? What was the result of the final master schedule computer run?
- Of students who did need to be scheduled by hand, what percent was scheduled into all classes requested/ needed?
- To what extent did the master schedule reflect a balance in the number of classes offered/students enrolled each period?
- To what extent did the master schedule reflect a balance of teacher prep periods/non-teaching sections each period?
- To what extent were class sizes balanced throughout the master schedule?
Ideally, the assessment of the Master Scheduling Process will occur in several cycles.
There should be formative assessment at each of the stages along the way. What worked in the Planning stage? What worked in the Student Pathway/academy/SLC and Course Selection and Tallying stage? What worked in the Master Schedule Construction stage? What worked in the Analysis and Adjustment Stage? What could be improved upon in each of these stages?
Review the log of parking lot issues/concerns that arose during master schedule construction as well as the written record of how various conflicts/issues were addressed.
Build in an opportunity for all stakeholders — especially students and teachers — to provide feedback to the “almost finalized” draft of the master schedule. Distribute a copy by email to faculty. Post a printout for student viewing. Invite comments, concerns, and suggestions. Make any reasonable adjustments based on input. (Sometimes student input helps you see your work with new eyes.)
After tentative student class schedules, teaching schedules, and pathway/ academy/ SLC program of study class schedules for the following school year are distributed/posted in the Spring, survey students and teachers and possibly parents with regard to their satisfaction with their personal schedule (or with their child’s schedule), with the scheduling process and results, with their perception of the quality of communication about important aspects of the scheduling process, etc.
Invite all interested stakeholders to a What Worked? What Can We Improve Upon Conversation about Master Scheduling?
When school reopens for the Fall Semester (first trimester, etc.) of the new academic year, keep track of:
- How well information on credits earned in summer school is incorporated and how well the schedule is able to accommodate needed student changes.
- How many student schedule changes are needed?
- What percentage of student schedule changes is the result of students having earned credits during summer school? For what other reasons do students request
- class changes?
- How many new students (never previously enrolled) are admitted during the first few weeks of school? To what extent are new students able to be scheduled into the pathway/academy/SLC of their choice?
- Are there any classes or course sections that need to be consolidated or dropped? Are there any course sections that needed to be added? Are these changes due to an unanticipated reduction or increase in student enrollment, or to other reasons? If due to other reasons, document those reasons.
The master schedule team should review the agreed upon Master Scheduling Guiding Principles and Master Scheduling priorities? How well did you adhere to the guiding principles and/or use them in the decision-making process? Are these the right ones? Are there any changes to the guiding principles and priorities you might recommend when you make a Master Scheduling report to the faculty? How well did you function as a Master Schedule Team? What were your strengths as a team? In what ways might you improve as a team?
The team should review the entire master scheduling process both stage-by-stage and overall:
How well did the master scheduling process go?
What were the strengths of the master scheduling process?
What were the main challenges to the master scheduling process?
What should you continue to do and/or expand upon?
What do you need to stop doing, change, or refine?
Are there any changes or enhancements to the process or in any aspect of the work in a stage or stages of the master schedule you need to make and/or recommend for the coming year when you make a Master Scheduling report to the faculty?
Are there any changes or enhancements you might make or might recommend for the coming year when you make a Master Scheduling report to the faculty?
The master schedule team should prepare both a written report for stakeholders and an oral presentation on the Master Schedule to be given at a Faculty/Staff meeting and possibly for parents and students. Recommendation: Not only share findings and recommendations at a faculty/staff meeting, but also present to Parent Teacher Student Association or Site Council and to Student Council.
External Assessment of a Master Schedule— Engaging the Stakeholders
External Assessment of the Master Schedule Process, Product, and Results: Engaging students, teachers, counselors, and other stakeholders in a continuous improvement process.
A sampling of some other possible questions or topics for focus group discussions or for reflection on the master scheduling process and product:
- What worked best in the master scheduling process?
- What did not work? What could you do better in your process?
- What are the best aspects of the resulting master schedule?
- What remain some areas of concern in the resulting master schedule?
- In what ways does the resulting master schedule reflect what you value in your school and community?
- What are your specific recommendations for how to improve your master scheduling process?
- What are your specific recommendations for how to improve your master scheduling product – i.e., actual master schedule?
- To what extent do you feel you successfully met students’ scheduling needs? What is your evidence?
- To what extent do pathway/academy/SLC teachers share common planning time?
- What percentage of teachers is fully engaged (teaching full time) in a single Pathway/Academy/ SLC as opposed to teaching in two or more pathways/academies/SLCs?
- To what extent does the resulting master schedule allow opportunities for student acceleration, interventions, and supports?
- To what extent does the resulting master schedule support opportunities for student participation in work-based learning?
- To what extent do you feel you successfully met the needs of our pathways/ academies/ SLCs? What is your evidence?
- To what extent was information about the master schedule process effectively communicated to…
The District?
Postsecondary partners?
Industry partners?
Public transportation agencies? (as appropriate)
Other community stakeholders? - How might communication regarding the Pathway/academy/SLC Selection Process and Course Selection process be improved?
- How might communication regarding other aspects of the Master Scheduling process be improved?
- To what extent were stakeholders able to give input to the planning and construction of the master schedule? How might the ability to provide input be improved?
Evaluation in the the Master Scheduling Context
Purpose and Benefits of a Master Schedule Evaluation:
An evaluation can determine the effectiveness of the master schedule process and product. It can both help to strengthen the master schedule and enable the school to do an even better job of accomplishing its scheduling objectives. Additionally, a quality evaluation helps assure all stakeholders that the Master Scheduling Team is doing the best possible job of developing a master schedule that meets the needs of students and learning and follows an open and equitable process.
Typically, a master scheduling evaluation design includes both process evaluation (which addresses the how, the consistency with the stated work plan and effectiveness of activities/ strategies) AND summative evaluation (which addresses the product/s, results, and the degree to which you have achieved your stated results.)
In addition, process evaluation (assessment along the way) helps us make mid-course corrections as you learn what activities and strategies are working and which need to be rethought or refined. Through a quality evaluation process, key stakeholders participate in a cycle of continuous improvement. Also, as a result of a comprehensive evaluation, you can better share your master scheduling results with others.
MASTER SCHEDULE THEORY OF ACTION: (see Theory of Action resource)
Behind every master schedule process is a “theory of action” — a set of beliefs, held by those who implement and guide the process, about how the means lead to the ends. Determining the relationship between your expected outcomes and the process itself and understanding what is important to assess and why are the first steps in preparing your evaluation.
To develop your Theory of action, you should think of the following elements, which all programs contain:
Inputs | All those resources assembled before the master scheduling process begins (or during ongoing implementation), such as constituency, staff, materials, facilities, and equipment. |
Throughputs | Methods of the process that employ/use the resources. |
Outputs | immediate results for the constituency that are effects of the throughput process. |
Impacts | longer-term benefits to the constituency and/or school |
Basically, a Theory of Action follows this formula:
Proposed Strategy:
If we do this, (describe in detail)
Then “X” will happen: (Explain in a research base why this will work)
And we will see this result in…
Master Schedule Goals and Objectives
You should develop clear goals and objectives for the master schedule process and product. These should be reviewed, and possibly updated, each year as part of a cycle of continuous improvement.
A goal is a broad-based statement of the ultimate result of the master scheduling process and product (a result that is sometimes unreachable in the short term). Goals are global, visionary statements. According to Webster’s Dictionary, a goal is “the end toward which effort is directed.”
Example: To assure that every student is fully scheduled into the pathway/ academy/SLC classes he/she requested and that all Pathways/Academies/SLCs have pathway/academy/SLC-pure classes that reflect the diversity of the school as a whole taught by a Pathway/Academy/ SLC team of teachers who share a common prep period.
To assure that all stakeholders have input to and value the master schedule process and product.
An objective is a measurable, quantifiable, time-specific result that the organization/ school/district will accomplish by implementing the project/program. Objectives are measurable benchmarks or milestones, often in steps that lead up to the goals. An objective is defined in terms of outcomes/ results and is much more narrowly defined than a goal. According to Webster’s Dictionary an objective is “observable and verifiable.
By February 28, 2020, 100% of the continuing students will successfully complete their individual online course registrations.By September 30, 2020, 100% of the Pathways/Academies/SLCs will reflect the ethnic and gender diversity of the school as well as reflect a range of student achievement levels as measured by test scores and grades.
By September 30, 2020, 100% of the teachers on each of the pathway/academy/SLC teams will share a common team preparation period and be provided a minimum of 10 additional hours a month for team collaboration.
Objectives clearly identify the constituency/the population being served. Objectives are realistic and capable of being accomplished within the given time frame
- Goals and objectives should tie directly to the need statement. (and to evaluation)
- Keep the dictionary definitions in mind. A GOAL is the END to which one attains.
- A goal is where your constituents (students/target population) and/or your organization will be when you’re done
- Objectives help keep goals realistic; they are measurable, attainable, time-specific. When you write your objectives, describe them in terms of major benchmarks/milestones/checkpoints
- When planning your objectives, remember that achieving your goals and objectives may take longer than anticipated. Be thoughtful and practical about how long it will take to successfully complete each objective.
- Determine how you are going to measure the change you are projecting in your objective. If you find you have no way to measure change, you probably need to rethink the objective. HINT: One easy way to ensure you are writing a good objective is to use infinitives/ verbs that suggest a purpose To reduce To increase To decrease … To expand…
- Pay attention to distinction between objectives and methods/activities/strategies.
Example: Starting a new tutoring program is a method/ activity. Increasing the number of students who successfully pass the High School Exit Exam by 10 percent in the 2019-2020 school year is an objective because it describes a result.
OBJECTIVES follow common acronymic advice: “Keep them “S-I-M-P-L-E.” Your Objectives should be:
- Specific – indicate precisely what you intend to change through project.
- Immediate – indicate time frame during which problem will be addressed
- Measurable – indicate what you would accept as proof of project success.
- Practical – indicate how each objective is real solution to real problem
- Logical – indicate how each objective systematically contributes to achieving your overall goal(s).
- Evaluable – indicate how much change has to occur for project to be effective
NOTE: Each of your objectives should meet at least several of these criteria. For example, given goal of “improving quality of the master schedule results,” an objective might be for the “Master Schedule Team to reduce the number of requested class changes (specific) (practical) (logical) during the next 12 months (immediate) by 15 percent (evaluable) as documented by registrar records and a summative report of the data from the records of class changes maintained by school counselors (Measurable).”
Organizations conduct evaluations in order to:
- Find out whether the process (or program or product) did what was expected;
- Determine if methods specified were used and objectives were met;
- Determine if an impact was made on the need identified;
- Obtain feedback from their target group and others;
- Maintain some control over the project/process;
- Make adjustments during program/process to help its success.
When preparing the evaluation of your master schedule process and product, ask yourself:
- What is the purpose of your evaluation? How will the findings be used?
- What will you know after the evaluation that you do not know now?
- What will you do after the evaluation that you cannot do now for lack of information? What use will you make of the results?
- How will you know if you have succeeded with your master schedule process and product? How will you prove your objectives are met?
- For each objective, how will you define and measure success? (Determine types and sources of evidence needed)
There are many methods of evaluation. These include:
QUANTITATIVE METHODS: Translate experience into units that can be counted, compared, measured, and manipulated statistically (descriptive statistics — averages, means, percentiles, frequency distribution, etc.; inferential statistics sign tests, simple linear regression, and chi-square, etc.)
QUALITATIVE METHODS: Rooted in direct contact with people involved in a program. (Interviews (group and/or individual), focus groups, direct or field observation, review of certain documents)
Formative or Process Evaluation (relates to process objectives, provides an assessment of the procedures used in master schedule planning, gathering of necessary data (student course selection, course tallies, etc.), master schedule building/consturction, and adjustment of the master schedule as needed; can be used as feedback information during building process to determine whether changes are warranted/course corrections, etc.);
Summative or Outcome Evaluation (relates to master schedule objectives, determines impact or accomplishments of the resulting master schedule);
The Evaluation will involve considerations of the assessment tools/data collection methods being used.
The Evaluation should link to objectives and methodology. If objectives are measurable and methods/strategies/activities time specific, it will be easy to prepare a good data collection plan and develop a strong evaluation of the master scheduling process and product.
- Identify evaluation purpose and questions,
- Describe evaluation design,
- Identify what will be measured,
- Describe data collection plan (type of data, source of data, data collection procedures, timetable),
- Identify sampling plan,
- Discuss data analysis, techniques,
- Highlight protection of human subjects (when appropriate),
- Explain staffing and management plans for evaluation, and
- Identify audience/s and reporting procedures.
- Does the evaluation focus on assessing projected results?
- Does evaluation assess efficiency of master scheduling process methods?
- Does evaluation describe who will be evaluated and/or what will be measured? (Also, when measurements will occur?)
- Does evaluation state what information will be collected in the evaluation process?
- Does evaluation state who will be responsible for making the assessments?
- Does evaluation describe how information and conclusions will be used to improve the master schedule process and product?
- Do you clearly identify the purpose of your evaluation and audiences to be served by its results?
- Demonstrate that an appropriate evaluation procedure is included for every project objective?
- Provide general organizational plan or model for evaluation?
- Demonstrate that scope of evaluation is appropriate?
- Demonstrate extent to which the master schedule process is practical, evident, and focused on results?
- Describe information that will be needed to complete evaluation, potential sources for this information, and instruments that will be used for its collection?
- Clearly summarize any evaluation reports to be provided and generally describe their content and timing?
A Sampling of Useful websites:
A sample evaluation plan (TB Support Program, Department of Health and Human Service, Lull County, 2004)
A sample evaluation plan template (includes some definitions as well):
Chapter 5 – Developing an Evaluation Plan, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1997.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (very useful resource, logic model):
Evaluation Audiences and Stakeholders:
- Who should know your evaluation results?
- Why and when should they know them?
- Depends. How you share information internally, as well as with your various “publics.” Your knowledge of who has a vested interest in the success of your master scheduling process and product will impact your evaluation plans from the beginning.
What to Measure: What questions should an evaluation answer?
Choosing the Right Evaluation Design:
Consider the variables of data collection; Baseline data, qualitative vs. quantitative methods; Measurement techniques, such as observations, interviews, surveys, samplings, focus groups, case studies, records, ratings, etc.
Golden rules of evaluation include validity, reliability, and objectivity.
How to Report Evaluation Findings
Develop plan for a credible evaluation report in which you describe activities, data and findings, and state whether the master schedule process and product achieved the desired goals.
- What are the inputs for your master scheduling process/product?
(All those resources that are assembled before the master scheduling process begins as well as resources and information assembled at various stages in the master scheduling process. (Such as constituency students and teachers, staff, materials, facilities and equipment.) - What are the throughputs? (Methods of the process that employ/use the resources)
- What are the outputs of your program? (Outputs are the immediate results for your constituency—students and teachers—that are effects of the throughput process.) (THE RESULTING MASTER SHEDULE)
- What are the outcomes? (Effects of the process and product on learning and teaching AND on students and teachers? Effects of the process and product on each pathway/academy/SLC? On the school as a whole?)
- What are the impacts? (Long term benefits to constituency/society – students, teachers, pathways/academies/SLCs, the school, the district, the community?)
- What questions will your evaluation activities seek to answer?
- What are the specific evaluation plans and time frame? (Formative? Summative? Both?)
- What kinds of data will be collected? At what points? When? By whom? Using what strategies or instruments? In what form? Using what comparison group or baseline, if any? What methods of analysis?
- If you intend to use your use findings from focus groups of stakeholders as part of your evaluation, how will this/these focus group/s be formed?
- What procedures will you use to determine whether the master schedule process was implemented as planned? That the final master schedule met its objectives? How will you prove that master schedule process and product objectives are met?
- Who will conduct the evaluation? (The master scheduling team? Other? Both?)
- Who will receive the evaluation report/s?
The Master Schedule Notebook serves as a repository for recording scheduling data, ideas, insights, decisions, etc. at every stage of the Master Schedule development process. It documents the process, the results, and the learning that occurs along the way. It is also a place to save artifacts of the master schedule development work that will inform both reflection on the work and the cycle of continuous master schedule improvement.
The Master Schedule Notebook/Log/Journal/Portfolio may be maintained in a binder, as a set of folders, as a set of files on a platform such as Google Drive, or elsewhere in the cloud.
Recommendations for Master Schedule Notebook content as well as checklists, templates, prompts, and forms are provided in the Master Schedule Notebook section for each Stage of the Master Schedule development process. In addition, recommendations for a District level Master Schedule Notebook are included in the District System of Support section of the Guide.
Contents Cover Sheet
This includes a checklist for recommended Contents for Stage 5 of the Master Schedule Notebook. This also serves as a cover sheet for the Stage 5 Section of the Master Schedule Notebook.
Theory of Action
Defines a Theory of Action and why it is important; provides examples and a template
Reflection on Stage 5
Description of Cycles of Reflection, Sample Reflection Questions, and Stage 5 Team Reflection Prompt.
Final Master Schedule Team Reflection
A final Master Schedule Team Reflection on the overall master schedule process and product. What? So What? Now What?
All Resources in the Master Schedule Guide
Fine-tuning, Readjustment, & Assessment (PowerPoint)
TOOLS & STRATEGIES External Assessment of a Master Schedule Evaluation in the Master Scheduling Context
RELATED RESOURCES Tip Sheet: Fine-tuning, Readjustment, & Assessment Post Building the Master Schedule Reports |
Bibliography of Master Schedule, Bell Schedule and School Calendar Master Schedule Glossary (HTML) |