CCASN has conducted these workshops, related to partnerships with employers and higher education.
- Forming an Effective Advisory Board
- How to Sustain Partner Support in a Career Academy
- Organizing Speaker, Field Trip, and Job Shadowing Programs
- Developing an Effective Mentor Program
- Developing an Effective Internship Program
- Developing Programs of Study for Career Academies, Pathways and SLCs
- Partnerships for Dual Credit Opportunities
CCASN offers training and workshops to teachers, schools and districts. To learn more about our workshops, please go to our Contact page and enter your question or request.
Employers & Post Secondary Communities

Source: Kemple, James J.J. (2008). Career Academies: Long-term impacts on labor market outcomes, educational attainment, and transitions to adulthood. New York: MDRC.
Career Academies prepare students for both college and career. To help students think about their career futures and learn about options in their field of interest, career academies give students direct experience in the world of adult professional work. Partnerships with postsecondary education show students options for preparing for various career futures.
These partnerships generally revolve around a central hub or Advisory Board, sometimes called a Steering Committee, with members from supporting companies and postsecondary education as well as academy and school district personnel. This Board helps to organize activities such as speakers, field trips, job shadowing, mentors, internships, apprenticeships, dual credit courses, and links to a range of postsecondary certificates and degrees. Finding and involving such partners, and organizing them to help in these ways, constitute a new set of activities and responsibilities unfamiliar to most high school teachers and administrators.