On behalf of UC Berkeley’s CCASN, we have curated valuable racial equity resources produced by our key partners of the Conscious and Courageous Leaders and ChangeMakers series:
Ed-Trust West
For 20 years, Ed-Trust West has been a fierce advocate for educational justice and the high academic achievement of all California students, pre-k through college, particularly those of color and living in poverty. Ed-Trust West offers numerous resources to support strategic actions to accomplish the vision for equity they’ve defined in Vision for Racial Justice in Education. In collaboration with the Reimagine and Rebuild initiative, they produced a series of action-oriented educational equity-focused resources, From Crisis to Opportunity, Recovering California’s Commitment to Equity, including action guides on a wide range of equity topics.
National Equity Project (NEP)
NEP is a leadership and systems change organization committed to increasing the capacity of people to achieve thriving, self-determining, educated, and just communities. They support leaders to transform the experiences, outcomes, and life options for children and families who have been historically underserved by our institutions and systems. NEP believes our current systems perpetuate inequity by design, and that transforming power and co-creation are core tenets of equity. Their work focuses on catalyzing transformational change, for which they offer many valuable resources on their website, from the shared Building Equitable Learning Environments (BELE) Library, to their Frameworks and Equity Tools. Be sure to check out the Liberatory Design Deck, which truly captures the spirit of the Sankofa gathering.
University of California Office of the President (UCOP)
The UCOP’s webpage, Research and Analyses on the Impact of Proposition 209 in California | UCOP, shares research evidence on the impact of Proposition 209 on public higher education, contracting and the workforce in California. The UC Regents’ discussion of the impact of Proposition 209 on UC admissions was informed by a synthesis, literature review, and Prop 209 research.

Other Materials Referenced During the November 5th Sankofa Event
- Professor William Kidder, of UC Riverside, presented: Lighting a Path to Equity: Sankofa “Quick Takes.” He referenced the discriminatory history of college admissions, and the current impact of racial disparities on students’ lives.
- Michal Kurlaender, of UC Davis, offered evidence-based conclusions from the recently-released report: Californians’ Attitudes About College Access, Affordability, and Equity in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Annual Poll.
- Natalie Wheatfall-Lum, of Education Trust-West, presented: A Vision for Racial Equity in Education, reviewing the history of systemic racism in California education, and it’s impact on students and families today. She presented ETW’s powerful systemic vision for racial equity in education for California and beyond.
- Draw the Future: UC Berkeley CCASN, SANKOFA Event, EdTrust West Graphic: Vision for Racial Justice in Education

Additional Racial Equity Resources
California Governor’s Council for Post-Secondary Education
In partnership with students and education leaders across the state, the Recovery with Equity Taskforce recast today’s challenges as an opportunity to help California’s economy recover with a post-secondary ecosystem that is more equitable, resilient, coordinated, and aligned with the economic needs of the state. Their report, Recovery with Equity: A Roadmap for Higher Education After the Pandemic, makes recommendations to advance four guiding principles: fostering inclusive institutions, streamlining pathways to degrees, facilitating student transitions, and simplifying supports for student stability.
Reimagine and Rebuild: Restarting School with Equity at the Center.
Produced by a wide ranging coalition of California-based family and student engagement organizations, associations of educators and system leaders, research institutes, and civil rights and equity groups. This document offers recommendations developed from focus groups with educators, parents, and students; polls and surveys of stakeholders; a deep review of the literature; and original research conducted on COVID-19’s impact on schools and students. Restorative actions to implement the recommendations of the Reimagine and Rebuild Initiative are provided by PACE in Restorative Restart: The Path Toward Reimagining and Rebuilding Schools.
UC Berkeley’s Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP)
This dynamic community of practice engages K-16 educators in high quality professional development that promotes equity and social justice. CCASN is a proud founding member of this collaborative, which provides educators and education leaders at all levels with learning opportunities that promote equitable instructional practices and systemic policies. In addition to free remote professional development opportunities, UCBPDP offers a set of Curated Resources for Addressing White Supremacy and Police Violence with Youth.
We look forward to inviting you to future events
in the Conscious and Courageous Leaders and Changemakers Series!
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