Transforming Education,
Advancing Equity!
Donate 25+ to CCASN

We are pleased to highlight; The Lawrence Hall of Science is the administrative home and collaborative partner to the College & Career Alliance Support Network at UC Berkeley.
In honor of CCASN’s first 25 years, we are grateful for your continued support of our stewardship, commitment to serve the field and the enduring partnerships that have lasted throughout the years. Please join us for the next 25+ years!
Our Clarion Call
“Join us in our courageous commitment to dismantling systemic inequities inherent in public school structures!”
- DONATE to CCASN 25+ HERE: Strategic Initiatives Fund page on Give to Berkeley.
NOTE: ALL CCASN 25+ Donors, please send an email to CCASN when making a gift on Give to Berkeley stating that your gift is to support CCASN so that your intent is in writing.