Connect With CCASN

How can we support your work? Our services are tailored to meet your needs. Let us know if you have questions or are interested in learning more about what we do.

You can also help us improve our work. Did you find what you are looking for? Did you find gaps you think we should address? Your feedback is essential to improving our responses to the needs of school communities.

We look forward to hearing from you!

College & Career Alliance Support Network 
UC Berkeley
Phone: 510-643-5748

CCASN Solutions

A quarterly newsletter and knowledge+practice resource for our partners.

In the next CCASN Solutions, we will feature a series of briefs that capture lessons learned from the California Survey of Attitudes Toward Race and Equity in Education. The first brief delves into the process of establishing trusting partnerships, based on our experience working with the Sacramento State Center for California Studies to produce this CALSPEAKS survey. Subsequent briefs will share data from the survey to inform education leaders, researchers, and policy makers working on key equity issues related to teacher shortages.


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