Distinguished Academies 2018-2019
Brief Summary of Specific Features and Enhancements
Poly PacRim Business Academy
The Poly PacRim Business Academy has very supportive business partners who provide enhancements to academic and CTE business classes. The YMCA and Rotary Club have a program called Camp Enterprise with mentors and internships. A former student, now employed by Gulf Stream, presents a Sexual Harassment workshop. Tenth graders work with the Long Beach Transit Collaboration. For the senior capstone project, students present their marketing ideas to partners.
This academy is focused on student success at all levels. Their counselor pairs ELD academy students with students who do well in English. Seniors have a group of ninth through tenth grade students with whom they interact on a regular basis. Five hours of tutoring is required each semester. Students and teachers work together on the awards selection for awards assemblies. For more information, contact Jeffrey Inui <jinui@lbschools.net>.
Green Enterprise Academy
The Green Enterprise Academy has over 300 students in ninth through twelfth grades. The focus is on promoting clean energy technologies and green business operations through hands on learning and experience. Staff attempts to include the threads of green energy, solar plant development, and engineering and business in all classes and all grade levels. Hands on learning experiences are provided through the development of cross-curricular projects such as small house models and green city models at the freshman level. At the senior level, students construct small houses and work with robotics.
Business partners include Lockheed, Northrup Grumman and NASA. Six aerospace engineering classes are articulated with Antelope Valley Community College. Students in the articulated classes may participate in an internship. For additional information, contact Amy Hinton Ahinton@avhsd.org.
CORE Academy
The CORE Academy is a community of students, teachers, business partners and families working together to move their world toward sustainability. Academic classes — science, history, English — include this career theme, and teachers work closely together to link classes. Learning is integrated at all grade levels. Electives are recognized as college preparatory science courses for UC or CSU. CORE is a Multi-Core Craft Curriculum (MC3) site where students earn their pre-apprenticeship certification.
Local industry partners have a high level of involvement and provide support in various ways including helping with different certifications, work experience, and community service. A local non-profit solar company provides training and externships. Students are able to earn their OSHA certification. The mentor program is an important component of this academy. Mentors and junior students are invited to a dinner with presentations and an activity to connect each student with the right mentor. A large, family and community annual event honors students and their mentors at the end of the year. More information is available from Laura Gallardo Laura.Gallardo@sbcusd.k12.ca.us.
Teaching Academy
One of the students from the Teaching Academy told the Distinguished Academy visitors: Being in this program has made me want to be a teacher. It changed my life, so I’d like to do the same.” Academy students are immersed in the world of teaching and learning, not only in their classes but through a variety of activities. In a Peer Buddy Program students are paired with a student in the special education class to learn more about special needs. Twelfth graders teach the preschool class that is located on the high school campus. Students also volunteer for the YMCA after school program where they can earn certifications.
Students participate in a number of activities that enhance their academy experience. They take a trip to the Los Angeles Zoo with elementary students. They participate in a Ropes Course at UCLA and have college visitations to local colleges like Pepperdine and CSU. Their major activity is Dr. Seuss Day when elementary students come to the high school. Academy students plan the day and have lessons and special activities for the younger students. The Career Ladders program offers presentations and helps those over 18 to complete the CBEST before graduation. All academy teachers are Google certified, and students are beginning to be certified as well. Contact Jennifer Stankiewicz jlp3812@lausd.net for more information.